Golden skin
As I look down my arms and stare at the pale and veiny hands clasped to the handlebars I come to the conclusion that they can't possibly be mine. The tint of these hands resemble the skin you'd find on a piglet after a rough beating, a greasy pink with a touch of blue-ish and yellow bruises. These hands can't be mine at all because my skin feels like it must be a shade of gold, perhaps even golden silk, wrapped perfectly around every finger, every limb of my body. For six hours I haven't taken off my headphones and even though they are forming a sweating ring in the hair behind my ears, they feel like they've grown stuck to my head in a way where the mainstream radio hits blaring into my brain seem like a completely natural and synchronized appendix to my being. I race away on my bike, so smooth and easily that it would seem like someone is tugging at each end of the asphalt to straighten it out just for me. My thoughts center around what would have been a mandatory holiday visit to a foreign museum to look at generic foreign art, had it not been for a certain painting from which I could not tear my attention. I'm sure my imagination has provided additional colours and textures to the canvas but I clearly recall my instinctive fascination of this one piece, and even though it was riddled with ambiguous and otherwise repulsive imagery of biblical characters, to my relief referring to Irish history and not to praise the superstition itself, I was struggling with a beguiling urge to carefully lift the painting off the wall, bring it back home with me and hang it on my ceiling to stare at every night before I go to sleep. Besides the faceless imaginary saints and what I remember as being smeared Irish flags and other generic symbols of Irish and Northern Irish nationality, the painting had two or three lines of writing on it, of which I sadly only remember the first but keep very dearly to my heart, and on this day in this very moment, I feel with everything I am: I see now that there is a different kind of love.
19 år og lidt til en side
Alice kommer på besøg
Calvin Candie: Jesus Christ, Stephen! How many people run away while I was gone?
Stephen: Two.
Calvin Candie: Well when did she go?
Stephen: Last night. They brung her back this morning.
Calvin Candie: How long she been in the box?
Stephen: How long you think she been in there? All damn day! And the little bitch got ten more days to be in there.
Calvin Candie: Take her out.
Stephen: Take her out? Why?
Calvin Candie: Because I said so, that's why! Dr. Schultz is my guest, Hildi is my nigger. Southern hospitality dictates I make her available to him.
Stephen: But Monsieur Candie, she run off!
Calvin Candie: Christ Stephen! What's the point of having a nigger that speaks German if you can't wheel 'em out when you have a German guest?!
Stephen: Two.
Calvin Candie: Well when did she go?
Stephen: Last night. They brung her back this morning.
Calvin Candie: How long she been in the box?
Stephen: How long you think she been in there? All damn day! And the little bitch got ten more days to be in there.
Calvin Candie: Take her out.
Stephen: Take her out? Why?
Calvin Candie: Because I said so, that's why! Dr. Schultz is my guest, Hildi is my nigger. Southern hospitality dictates I make her available to him.
Stephen: But Monsieur Candie, she run off!
Calvin Candie: Christ Stephen! What's the point of having a nigger that speaks German if you can't wheel 'em out when you have a German guest?!
Early morning phone call
"Goodmorning, dear!" "..." "Did I wake you up?" "... mnaaahh..." "Good! Now listen, I was thinking. For your birthday, I'd really like to give you a great present so I thought that the two of us could take a few days in Berlin together. Y'know, museums, cafés, culture. What do you say?" "Berlin? Y'know, uhh... I like Berlin, I've been there a bunch of times..." "Yes...?" "... mmhh..." "... okay, let me call you back in a moment." /// "Hello, it's grandma again!" "Yes...?" "Look, I'm going to Ireland soon to visit an old friend of mine, would you like that better? You could tag along, wouldn't that be something?" "Ireland? Like Dublin?" "Of course!" "That would be amazing, seriously!" "Great, we take off in three weeks from now!"
And that's how my grandma grabbed me, wrapped me up, put me in her suitcase and flew me to Dublin for a week. I really had no idea of what to expect, now at all, I didn't even knew where we were going to stay. On the plane she told me that we were going to stay with an old friend of hers, she told me briefly about him and how he had a bunch of sons and how one or two of them might be about my age by now. I couldn't possibly write down anything about how the trip went because it'll all sound horribly dull. I only took one picture, too. People have palm trees in their gardens. In Dublin. Would you believe it...
And that's how my grandma grabbed me, wrapped me up, put me in her suitcase and flew me to Dublin for a week. I really had no idea of what to expect, now at all, I didn't even knew where we were going to stay. On the plane she told me that we were going to stay with an old friend of hers, she told me briefly about him and how he had a bunch of sons and how one or two of them might be about my age by now. I couldn't possibly write down anything about how the trip went because it'll all sound horribly dull. I only took one picture, too. People have palm trees in their gardens. In Dublin. Would you believe it...
Jef trr def på tid je læærer a vær alen... mmsæl.
SCENE 1: Jeg havde kendt John i over tyve år. Jeg havde kendt hans
datter, så længe hun havde været til. Jeg huskede hende bedst, da hun var en
halv meter høj og havde det røde hår flettet. Men den lille pige var som forsvundet
nu; hun var blevet voksen, mens jeg kiggede væk. "Hold øje med
hende", havde han sagt. "Sørg for at hun ikke roder sig ud i
noget". Jeg sagde 'ja' til jobbet, fordi han trods alt var min bedste ven
– hvad det så end måtte indebære.John kender ikke til byens mørke underverden. Det er det de
færreste mennesker, der gør. Den er mere grusom og kold, end nogen aner. Kun få
steder kan man finde noget, der dulmer den smerte, man påfører sig selv, når
man dag ud og dag ind færdes i mørket. I en sprøjte. På bunden af et glas. I en
kvindes arme. Da dukkede hun op, næsten som ud af det blå. Med sin røde
hat og sine røde læber var hun fløjet forbi mig, og selvom hun var fremmed,
følte jeg, at jeg kendte hende med det samme. Mit job, min pligt, min vens ord hang
som en tung sky over hovedet på mig, men det var som om, hun trak i mig. Ikke
med hænderne eller med sine ord, men duften af hendes ånd, der strøg forbi mig,
en duft, jeg ikke kunne ignorere.Alligevel var der noget, der ikke var, som det skulle være.
Der stak noget under. Hun var for fin. Ikke et hår på hendes hoved sad forkert,
og dem der gjorde, var omhyggeligt placeret sådan med al intention. Jeg vidste,
at jeg ikke burde, men jeg kunne ikke lade hende være. Jeg måtte vide mere. SCENE 5: Med ét var hun væk. Da vidste jeg, at der var noget, jeg
skulle have ryddet op i. Så vi har lavet en film. Jeg er mildest talt lidt nervøs for, om den holder til at holde vand. Jeg er ikke ret glad for mit eget stykke arbejde, men meget tilfreds med det visuelle udtryk. Om ikke andet, pyh, jeg har lært noget. Halvdelen af de replikker, jeg skrev, fungerede slet ikke, når de skulle siges. Halvt på grund af, at de bare ikke var gode, men også halvt fordi lydkvaliteten blev så ringe. Så nu måtte vi pille dem ud og smide en speak ind over. Heraf ovenstående. Suk.
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