
Calvin Candie: Jesus Christ, Stephen! How many people run away while I was gone? 
Stephen: Two.
Calvin Candie: Well when did she go?
Stephen: Last night. They brung her back this morning. 
Calvin Candie: How long she been in the box?
Stephen: How long you think she been in there? All damn day! And the little bitch got ten more days to be in there.
Calvin Candie: Take her out.
Stephen: Take her out? Why?
Calvin Candie: Because I said so, that's why! Dr. Schultz is my guest, Hildi is my nigger. Southern hospitality dictates I make her available to him. 
Stephen: But Monsieur Candie, she run off!
Calvin Candie: Christ Stephen! What's the point of having a nigger that speaks German if you can't wheel 'em out when you have a German guest?!

Early morning phone call

"Goodmorning, dear!" "..." "Did I wake you up?" "... mnaaahh..." "Good! Now listen, I was thinking. For your birthday, I'd really like to give you a great present so I thought that the two of us could take a few days in Berlin together. Y'know, museums, cafés, culture. What do you say?" "Berlin? Y'know, uhh... I like Berlin, I've been there a bunch of times..." "Yes...?" "... mmhh..." "... okay, let me call you back in a moment." /// "Hello, it's grandma again!" "Yes...?" "Look, I'm going to Ireland soon to visit an old friend of mine, would you like that better? You could tag along, wouldn't that be something?" "Ireland? Like Dublin?" "Of course!" "That would be amazing, seriously!" "Great, we take off in three weeks from now!"
And that's how my grandma grabbed me, wrapped me up, put me in her suitcase and flew me to Dublin for a week. I really had no idea of what to expect, now at all, I didn't even knew where we were going to stay. On the plane she told me that we were going to stay with an old friend of hers, she told me briefly about him and how he had a bunch of sons and how one or two of them might be about my age by now. I couldn't possibly write down anything about how the trip went because it'll all sound horribly dull. I only took one picture, too. People have palm trees in their gardens. In Dublin. Would you believe it...