Adventures pt. 1 - New York, kvinde min.
New York has beautiful blue eyes in which I could gaze till the end of times. The streets, its veins, are electric and dynamic like nothing else and you can feel its pulsating movement beneath your feet for every step. For a week I have been pumping through her blood, not doing a thing to hide my foreigner's excitement and curiousity as I had my nose in the sky in bare admiration of the somewhat endlessly tall buildings, that seem all so unfamiliar for me. I must admit that I hadn't at all expected to have my breath taken away in such a manner. Even after a seven hour flight without sleep and the time now being ten in the morning, I feel incredibly awake. I don't think I have realized it yet, that I have said goodbye and gone home, left her behind, the city of wonders. Of any places in the world, I'd love to be back in that pink and green room, listening to the sound of paws against the floor and noise from the street outside. Take me back, take me home.