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You were standing on the low railings, trying to keep your balance with your hand hoovering over my shoulder. I was looking up at you, smiling at how playful you were. "Come down from there." I said and you did exactly that with out question. I grabbed hold of your hand and told you to close your eyes. "Stay in this moment. Right now you and I are together, we're right here and we're together forever in this very moment if you can just keep it with you. I am standing in front of the most beautiful girl I have ever met and I have never been happier." Those were my exact words. My hand left yours only to slide around your back and hold you tight. You smiled and tugged at my shirt somewhat desperately. In that corner we stood, both holding back our tears but we were together forever in that moment. It's not very poetic or well written but I woke up about ten minutes ago and that was the part of my dream that stood clearest in my head. I don't believe in dream interpretation or anything like that really but it made me wake up with a smile on my face. I wanted to share it with you.