
Looking right, looking left

And just like that, another year passed by. And by just like that I mean 'fuck, that was a struggle'. A ton of so called milestones were reached and left behind in 2012 and I suspect 2013 is going to have just as many in store for me. The first milestone being my turning 18. For me it wasn't so much a big deal as it seems to have been for everyone else. Don't get me wrong, my birthday was great fun and I very much appreciate that so so many people showed up both during the day and in the evening (I don't think I've ever had so many friends gathered at the same time), it's just that I didn't begin my drivers licence and the next election isn't before three years and I don't really go out much, so I don't exactly have much use for the newly gained adulthood. The only thing I've really felt so far, is that my parents demand that I save some money and that I can actually write my own birth date in order to view "explicit" content on YouTube. And I've signed up for organ donation. But I'm sure being legally adult will make sense and show its usefulness soon enough. The next milestone is obviously my graduation. I ended up coming out on the other side with an average of 10,4, which juuuust qualified me to get into the stand-by list of Film and Media Studies at The University of Copenhagen. My admission to Film Studies came as a total shocker since I had scored horribly on my big high school project. With the awful grade I got on it, I had actually completely shut out the idea of studying film, as it seemed out of my league and I only applied as a sort of 'why not'-thing; turned out doing that was the best decision I made in a long time. But I graduated and that was wonderful and thank fuck it's over because I wouldn't have survived another year. The third milestone of the year was, that I had my first job. I admit people looked at my funnily when I told them I worked in an ice cream shop/tattoo laser removal clinic. As much as I pulled in some good money the four months or so I was there, I really got an experience of what the real world can be like and I taught myself how to interact with people I wouldn't otherwise have chosen to be around and I honestly consider that a wonderful lesson learned. As it turned out, opening an ice cream shop in August isn't the best business idea on Earth and my boss had to close the shop again in December and couldn't afford to keep me around as an assistant in the clinic either. But that was that, and boy was it an experience not to be forgotten any time soon. The last milestone isn't so much a milestone as it was something that gradually came to be; I got myself a set of brand new and absolutely fantastic friends. The weirdest thing to me was that I came to pick them up in the last place I would have imagined I'd make actual friends - at my stupid school. Thing was that I had met these two brilliant lads, lads with actual companion potential, but I only had about a month left of school before I'd be kicked out in the cold, real world and they'd still be in school for another two years, making tons of friends of which I would just be one of many. Turns out I was completely wrong. These guys actually stuck around after I wasn't there anymore, we hooked up on Skype, in Minecraft, for films and tea at 3AM. I plan to keep these guys around me for a time to come. Another small thing about the year - my Steam library has grown from having one game in it - Skyrim - by last new year, to 55. I like the direction my waste of time is going. That makes it for the 2012 milestones. In 2013, shit is gonna go down. I'll begin my (hopefully) five years of tough study as a proper adult in September. As I sit here having played video games all day and barely even having gotten dressed, that's something I have a hard time imagining - but that'll come when it does. Another very possible milestone could be my moving out. I have set up a deal with a very charming gentleman, my soon to-be roomie, and we'll be sending out applications together during the next few months. But all in good time, I'm sure this year will have a ton of stuff in store.